All students in the Junior Section of CIS follow a stimulating and challenging academic programme, which is closely based on the National Curriculum of England and Wales, without losing sight of the rich cultural and historical heritage of Sri Lanka.
Class teachers are responsible for teaching either English, Mathematics, History and Geography, while specialist subject teachers take lessons in Computing, Science, Languages (French, Sinhala, Tamil), Art & Design, Music and Physical Education. Assessment is frequent and consistent, and school examinations are held twice a year. Parents are kept fully informed of their child's progress through regular reports and parent/teacher meetings.

Great attention is paid to each classroom, in order to create an optimal learning environment. Individual and group projects, educational posters and other intellectually stimulating materials are displayed on classroom walls to cultivate a cheerful and engaging atmosphere and to encourage students to aim high. Children are not only expected to work in a positive, enthusiastic and disciplined manner, they are encouraged to be active learners who aspire to be the best they can.
The Junior Section has its own dedicated library, which is stocked with a wide range of relevant and interesting books, as well as valuable reference materials. The ICT suite contains modern computing facilities and is equipped with a PC for each student in a class. Children prepare and present their different project work using educational software, websites and other materials. The lessons are very exciting with the use of the Interactive Whiteboard, which adds great value to education. A purpose built Junior Science Laboratory allows children to explore and pursue their interest in General Science.
Participation in Sport within the Junior Section is considered to be of great importance. This happens both within the timetable and through extracurricular activities. Swimming is part of the curriculum, with lessons conducted by specialist coaches in the school's two pools.
The annual Junior Inter-House Swimming and Athletics Meets are major events in the CIS calendar, with students competing enthusiastically for medals and trophies. Athletics, basketball, cricket, football, netball and swimming teams regularly and successfully compete against other schools in Sri Lanka.

The Arts play an important role in school life. Every child in the section is encouraged to explore and express their own artistic ideas, with the majority contributing to the annual Junior Art Exhibition.
A large-scale Drama production is held each year in the school's auditorium. Many children sing in the choir and both instrumentalists and singers can showcase their musical talents at the Junior Musical Evening.
With inspiring teaching from a vibrant and experienced balance of both local and expatriate staff, all children in the Junior Section are nurtured and encouraged to develop mentally, physically and creatively. By the time they move into the Senior Section, they will have developed academic and social confidence, self-discipline and a genuine desire for knowledge, which will stand them in good stead as they embark on the next stage of their educational journey.