Sport certainly receives due recognition at CIS. Every pupil and staff member is assigned a House. The House system is a long standing tradition that creates competition, promotes teamwork, encourages good behaviour and academic excellence. It also provides opportunities to take on responsibilities and brings everyone in the school together. Annual competitions are held in the performing arts, debating and sports. For many students, participating in sport and proudly representing their school or House is an enjoyable part of school life. All students are actively encouraged to take part in sport on a regular basis.
The Sports Department consists of specialists in a wide range of sport consisting of athletics, badminton, basketball and cricket to netball, rugby, soccer, swimming and tennis. Whereas some schools choose to specialise in one or two sports only, at CIS we believe in diversity and in offering our students the chance to participate in many different sports. We compete against both local and International Schools island-wide and are proud to say we are highly rated contenders in all sports. Our students have had spectacular success whilst representing CIS, and many are selected for national and international teams.